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Surgical Errors
Connecticut Claims for Surgical Errors and Negligence
If you become disabled or a family member died as a result of a surgeon's negligence or other error during a surgical procedure, contact our office in Bridgeport or Danbury. We represent clients in both personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits related to negligence by surgeons in or out of the operating room.
Examples of surgical malpractice that we investigate and present for damages:
Failure to obtain the patient's informed consent to the risks of the procedure
Anesthesia errors
Failure to anticipate, recognize, and treat complications of surgery
Botched laparoscopic surgery
Perforation of the bowel
Severing the renal nerve, cranial nerve, or spinal cord
Inadequate follow-up, particularly to prevent infection or sepsis
These errors can occur in the course of the any kind of surgery or medical procedure, including a colonoscopy, heart surgery, brain surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, abdominal surgery, and even orthopedic or arthroscopic surgery. While the most common consequence of surgical malpractice in the cases we handle is death, we also represent patients who have suffered such severe and disabling injuries as brain damage, spinal cord damage, or blindness.
A defense that we often encounter in surgical error cases is that the patient was adequately informed and assumed the risks of the procedure. The fact that a patient signed a consent form does not mean that he or she cannot pursue a claim. Whether in settlement negotiations or at trial, we are often able to show that despite the patient's informed consent, he or she did not assume the risk that the procedure would be negligently performed. Our thorough investigation and presentation of detailed medical evidence through experts can make the decisive difference in surgical malpractice claims.
For a free consultation about your specific claim, contact our office in Bridgeport or Danbury.